
Austauschorganisation IHF

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Lina bewertete am 13.07.16 den "Schüleraustausch Irland" mit Irish Host Family

Geprüfte Bewertung - Schueleraustausch.Net Gut, ich hatte immer einen Ansprechpartner

Sehr gut, ich war auf alles vorbereitet.

Gut, ich hatte immer einen Ansprechpartner.

Meine Schule war sehr gut. Die Lehrer waren sehr engagiert und ich habe viel gelernt.

Ich liebe meine Gastfamilie!

I really enjoyed my stay in Ireland, the time went so fast. I can't believe the year is over already. After a bit of trouble in the beginning it was a great year and I had an amazing time.
My hostfamily was lovely, I got on so well with them and I felt like being a part of them. It is so sad to leave them behind.
I found a lot of friends in school and I got on well with the classes, I think I learned a lot.
Overall I had a great year and I met lots of nice people and had so many experiences. It was definitely worth it and I'm very grateful for the wohole year.

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